
NPK 8:8:6%

NPK 8:8:6% provides balanced nutrition, promoting healthy growth, improved yield, and higher crop quality.

NPK 8:8:6% is a balanced fertilizer specially formulated to supply essential nutrients—Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K)—to crops. The 8:8:6 ratio ensures a steady and well-rounded nutrient supply, promoting healthy plant development. Nitrogen supports vigorous growth, Phosphorus enhances root and flower development, and Potassium boosts plant health, resistance, and fruit quality. Suitable for use in vegetables, field crops, and fruit crops, NPK 8:8:6% ensures that plants achieve optimal growth, delivering improved yield and quality. It is easy to apply and suitable for both soil and foliar applications.

  • Balanced fertilizer with 8:8:6 (N:P:K) ratio for steady plant growth.
  • Supplies essential nutrients for optimal crop health and productivity.
  • Nitrogen supports lush foliage and vigorous growth.
  • Phosphorus promotes strong roots and abundant flowering.
  • Potassium enhances disease resistance, plant health, and fruit quality.
  • Ideal for vegetables, field crops, and fruit crops.
  • Improves yield and overall crop performance.
  • Suitable for soil and foliar applications.
  • Easy to apply, ensuring effective nutrient absorption.


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