
Boron 5%

Boron 5% is a micronutrient solution that supports plant growth, improves flowering, and boosts crop yields.

Boron 5% is a vital micronutrient solution that plays a key role in plant development and productivity. Boron is essential for cell wall formation, flower and fruit development, and nutrient absorption, making it crucial for optimal plant health. This formulation provides a highly available source of Boron, ensuring plants receive the nutrients they need to thrive. It is particularly effective for crops that are sensitive to Boron deficiencies, including fruits, vegetables, and field crops. Using Boron 5% promotes stronger root systems, improved flowering, and increased fruit set, leading to healthier crops and better yields.

  • Boron 5% solution designed to enhance plant growth and health.
  • Essential micronutrient for cell wall formation, flowering, and fruit development.
  • Improves nutrient absorption and root system development.
  • Helps prevent Boron deficiency in sensitive crops like fruits and vegetables.
  • Promotes stronger crops, better flowering, and higher fruit set.
  • Ideal for field crops, vegetables, fruits, and other Boron-sensitive plants.
  • Increases crop yield and quality through proper Boron supplementation.
  • Easy-to-use formulation for foliar or soil application.


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